Sunday, 26 May 2019

VNet Peering In Microsoft Azure

VNet Peering allows communication between peered networks. It provides high bandwidth between all the resources. In this demo, I’m going to show you how to configure VNet Peering in Microsoft Azure.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Connect Our Azure Ubuntu Server Using SSH

There are several methods to access our Ubuntu Server using the terminal. In our previous article, we learned how to access our Ubuntu Server using Password authentication. In this demo, we will learn how to access our Ubuntu Server using SSH Public Key. 

Friday, 10 May 2019

Map our External Domain Name to Azure

If we have a domain name, we need the hosting space to host our website. Microsoft Azure offers different pricing tiers for hosting the websites. In this demo, we’ll learn how to connect our external domain name to Microsoft Azure.

Sophos XG Firewall on Azure

Sophos Firewall is the next-generation firewall for all solutions. It’s one of the leading Firewalls in the industry. The Sophos XG Firewall is mainly designed for Azure-based deployment. With its help, you can protect your Azure workloads against multiple kinds of threats. There are several methods to configure Sophos XG Firewall on Microsoft Azure marketplace. In this demo, we will learn how to configure Sophos XG Firewall using the Azure portal.